It wouldn’t be the season of Thanksgiving without sharing a small writing I composed many years ago. If you have read my stuff for any amount of time, you have read this. But, it is always good for me to reread, to contemplate, and to receive. I hope that it is a blessing to you, as we give perpetual thanks together.
Close your eyes.
Take it all in and delight.
Let the wind blow at your back and let the sun shine down on your face.
Close your eyes and listen to the conversations.
Find joy in the laughter of your children. Celebrate that you can give your baby a bath.
Find delight in the songs of the birds and in the rustling of the leaves.
Be enveloped by everything and everyone around you.
Count your blessings. It is good.
Smell the autumn fragrance.
Let the preparation of your meal be a prayer and a blessing.
Savor every bite as if it is your very first.
Feel the textures.
Let the work of your hands be praise.
Count your blessings. It is good.
Enjoy friendship as you break bread at the table.
Find life in raking the leaves, washing the dishes, and in all the seemingly mundane things.
Be still and marvel at every star brilliantly shining in the night sky.
Rejoice in every good time and bad, for it is all worth it.
Count your blessings. It is good.
Sit in the woods and notice every detail of creation.
Close your eyes and absorb every note and harmony.
Glory in every drop of your morning coffee.
Embrace the touch of another.
Join the chorus of all creation in praise.
Count your blessings.
It is good.
It is good.
It is good.
From the depths of our souls and with every breath, we give thanks.
Peace and love,