Thank you, Brandon for the delicate way in which you have presented this reality of division in our country. In finding what is in common in all we find the way to be true love in the situation. That's the key how can I will the good of someone else who is opposition to me. That's the idealism America was founded on and respected. Ideas that came from enlightened intellectuals such Voltaire who said....I do not agree with a word you say....but I will defend to the death your right to say it. To get back to that idealism is our path to eradicate the fear.

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I am so glad you have been able to witness this 3 times. Very touching and humbling.

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The most important thing i do is remind folks that fear is what is driving this. We only know now. All the what ifs don't change now. Compassion and empathy do. I grew up teased and made fun of. Acceptance is important. Social media is a 2 edged sword though. I found my tribe. Others use it to continue to remind me I don't fit. I don't want to fit anywhere that lacks basic human decency.

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